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3073 Trenwest Drive
Summit Eye Care – 1st Floor  336-765-0960
Surgery Center – 2nd Floor  336-765-0960


Progress Reports: If a Child has Poor Vision, Academic and Sporting Activities can Suffer

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

It’s time for school progress reports! How is your child doing academically? Are they struggling with sports activities?

As parents we want our children to achieve at the highest level. In order to do this a child needs many abilities – SIGHT being one of the most important. It has been estimated that 80% of the learning a child does occurs through his or her eyes. Vision is in constant use in the classroom and in sports. If a child has poor vision, academic and sporting activities can suffer.

When vision is impaired, children tend to not pay attention in class due to not being able to see the chalk board, they may not complete homework due to fatigue or blurring of the pages. This contributes to poor participation, poor grades, and added stress for the child and the parent.

We often think that 20/20 vision is all there is to an examination. However, there are many other visual skills beyond seeing clearly that team together for great vision. Every child needs to have:

Visual Acuity – ability to see clearly near (reading a book), intermediate (computer screen), and distance (reading the chalk board).

Eye Focusing - ability to focus quickly when viewing objects at different distances in rapid succession (reading a book to focusing on the chalk board).

Eye tracking – ability to keep the eyes on target when looking from across a printed page or following a thrown ball.

Eye teaming – ability to coordinate and use both eyes together.

Eye-hand coordination – ability to use the visual information and direct the hands (drawing a picture or throwing a ball).

If any one skill is missing, the child can suffer from eye fatigue, headaches, poor grades.

Some signs that may indicate a child is experiencing visual problems include but are not limited to: rubbing the eyes, excessive blinking of the eyes, short attention span, headaches, holding reading materials too close to face, an eye turning in or out, complaints of double vision and many more.

To be sure your child has the ability to achieve at the highest level, contact us at Summit Eye Care and schedule your child’s eye examination. Let’s help them succeed to their highest capability.


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